Take advantage of Dryden Pharmacy’s multi-leveled diabetes care program which includes free education on your medication, blood glucose monitoring, glucometers and alternative medications.

We will provide glucometer training and targets for blood glucose, as well as diet and lifestyle plans for newly diagnosed patients. We will work with your other healthcare providers (family doctor, endocrinologist, diabetes care team) to optimize your glycemic control – and adjust therapy if needed. We also carry a full range of diabetic supplies e.g. glucometers, tests strips, and needles as well as insulin pump equipment.

Our Services

  1. Glucometers and diabetic education provided in multiple languages.
  2. Education book for newly diagnosed diabetic patients.
  3. Free glucometers with the purchase of strips. Training is included.
  4. Diabetic health outcome follow-ups.
  5. A full range of diabetic treats are available for sale.
  6. Diabetes clinics featuring foot care, cholesterol control, cooking and nutrition demonstrations.